The red parts catalog came in a red-colored binder with some basic information printed on the cover and spine. Under the playfield, the wires snake between the lights, creating strings of rows and strings of columns. The 10 opto board was used in Bram Stoker's Dracula, Dr. Who, Indiana Jones, Pinball Circus, Popeye, Cactus Canyon, Corvette, Monster Bash, Medieval Madness, Revenge From Mars, SafeCracker, SWE1, Shadow, Congo, Indianapolis 500, and World Cup Soccer. After a successful boot, the sound board will create a single "bong" tone. When a coil has locked on for an extended period of time, the coil wire insulation heats up, melts, and begins to short together. There is no real need to desolder them. Normally lit. The new chip amp operates at a lower voltage, and forced a corresponding change in the transformer voltage (12VAC + 12VAC). The "P" suffix merely indicates a "plastic" chip case. This might help in two ways. To prevent simple removal of the PIC, the device also controlled the switch matrix, and would not operate without a correct machine code from the WPC CPU. The most common reason a WPC flipper does not function is that either one of the wires broke from the game to the lug, or one of the coil winding wires, has broken away from the coil lug and is no longer connected to the coil. Anything more indicates a problem with these tantalum caps. If not, suspect D2. D19 (LED201) - "Blanking". This simple board mounts to the top of the Scared Stiff crate. Document a particularly pleasant weekend, or a momentous milestone. This was done for ease of manufacture and for that reason only. The LM339 is relatively beefy and rarely fails but of course, this is possible. First, the tarnish that builds up on the male/female connections might be removed slightly. The old compound can be removed with a little rubbing alcohol. It was used to control the topper fan. However, you don’t need to be a hardcore, long-time fan of the franchise. Players can get this title in 3 different versions: Ronaldo Edition, Standard Edition and Icon Edition. Funhouse, Gilligan's Island, Harley Davidson, Slugfest, Terminator 2, Addams Family, Funhouse, Hurricane, Party Zone, Terminator 2, Addams Family, The Getaway, Strike Master (shuffle alley), Black Rose, Creature From the Black Lagoon, Doctor Who, Dracula, Fish Tales, NBA Jam, White Water, Dracula, Indiana Jones, Judge Dredd, Star Trek the Next Generaton, Twilight Zone, Popeye, Indiana Jones, Star Trek, Addams Family, Demolition Man, Flintstones, Congo, No Fear, Indianapolis 500, Jackbot, Johnny Mnemonic, Road Show, The Shadow, Theatre of Magic, Johnny Mnemonic, Junkyard, Safecracker, Scared Stiff, Tales of the Arabian Nights, BoP, BR, BSD, CFTBL, DW, FH, FT, GI, HD, HS2, Hot Shots Basketball, Hurricane, PZ, Slugfest, T2, TAF, TAFG, TZ, WH2O, AFM, Congo, I500, JB, JM, NF, SC, SS, ToM, TOTAN, WD, AFM, CC, CP, CV, Congo, I500, JB, JM, JY, MB, MM, NBA, NF, NGG, SC, SS, ToM, TotAN, WD. Use an oscilloscope to probe pins 9 and 12. Another area which will help with troubleshooting the DMD Controller Board can be found in the DE section of the PinWiki (DE copied the Williams board designs), Data East High Voltage Repair. The WPC Power/Driver board uses a 15,000µF, 25V capacitor at C5 to smooth the full wave rectified AC from BR2. J205 is right below the battery holder and as such, sometimes receives the unwanted gift of dripping alkaline from depleted batteries. Catastrophic Failure of ULN2803 or Other Switch Matrix Parts. This is the most prevalent problem observed (versus coil not firing). Failed flipper power supply. Touch the free end of your jumper wire to the ground braid in the backbox as you observe the results. Before doing any work on the circuit boards, it is recommended that a number of much easier to fix, and just as probable root causes, be examined. This test can clearly identify a bad bridge rectifier or capacitor. If not, suspect F115 is blown or the fuse block has a poor mechanical connection to the fuse or to the PCB. The "transformer" on the board (blue rectangular box, lower/right in the picture) has very fine legs which can break due to vibration at the back of the playfield. It's important to test the resistance of the failed coil to ensure that it hasn't been damaged. Williams located the batteries for the WPC-95 MPU in an even worse location than on WPC-089 and WPC-S boards. This connection is fragile. The regulator is just inside of 4" from the 15,000µF filter capacitor at C5. A vicious enemy has attacked. A logic probe applied to pin 11 of U1 will prove that the signal is getting through. U13 was defect. The varistor in the power box may have done it's job protecting the rest of the game's circuitry from the possibly tremendous power surge. The serial port is rarely populated. Since the RAM is very susceptible to electrostatic discharge, they are often damaged by improper handling. The outputs of the 74LS374 turn on a 2N5401 transistor. It then becomes necessary to replace those parts, remove carbon (it's a conductor) and to rebuild burned traces as necessary. The white (plus tracer) colored wire (row) always attaches to the same solder lug as the NON-banded end of the diode. For instance, if a slingshot switch isn't being "made" or some other switch matrix problem prevents proper switch sensing, then the MPU won't command the slingshot coil to fire. (A-13940), Indiana Jones Path of Adventure (POA) Opto Board, Corvette Z5 Master (A-18532) and Slave Boards (A-19625), WPC A-13901 / A-17402-3 (and variants) Opto Ramp Switch Board (3 Opto Controller), Primary Voltage Selection Jumpers at the Transformer, Early WPC Transformers (9 pin connection), Later WPC Transformers (12 pin connection), LEDs and test points on WPC-089 Power/Driver Boards, LEDs and test points on WPC-95 Power/Driver Boards, F111 Blows, Testing BR4 With Board Still Installed, Testing DC Voltages on the Power/Driver Board, Game blows power line circuit breaker immediately, Relocating the battery from the MPU board, Installing an external battery on a WPC-95 CPU using the Auxiliary Battery header (J213), Settings Not Held or Battery Depletes Rapidly, Replacing the CPU RAM with non-volatile RAM, Power Problems with the RottenDog aftermarket power/driver board (fuse clips), Poor Ground Connection for Power/Driver Board, Cracked Power or Ground Header Pins and Cracked Solder Joints at the 5V Fuse, Missing diodes, open diodes, or cold solder joints at the Flipper coils, Poor Connections between the Transformer Secondary and the Power/Driver Board, Poor Connection at J101 on the Power/Driver Board, Poor Connections between the Power/Driver board, the CPU, and other PCBs, Using a Multimeter to Test the Bridge Rectifier and Capacitors, Exploding or Damaged 15,000uf Capacitor at C11 (C10 on WPC-95), WPC and WPC-S Games With No Solenoid, Flasher or Feature Lamps, A Blanking Signal Issue, Blown / Failing Q20 Transistor on the Driver Board and the Tieback Diode, Q26 Transistor & Coil Locking On with Rottendog Driver Board, Lamp Issue Caused by Connecting "Growth" Connectors, Diode and Switch Matrix Wiring Orientation on a Microswitch, MPU Circuitry Switch Matrix Problem Diagnosis, Cabinet Flipper Switch Detection Problem Diagnosis for Pre-FlipTronics Games, Special Note regarding RottenDog Power/Driver boards manufactured prior to February, 2012, "Rolling" Horizontal Line on WPC-95 Display, Schematic Diagram for WPC and WPC-95 DMD Controller Board, Failures of Various Logic ICs on the DMD Controller, Shorting the Speaker Leads or a Shorted Speaker, Popping, Scratchy Sound, Very Hot LM1875 Heat Sink, or Shorted Speakers, Volume Not Adjustable and/or Stuck at Low Volume, Sound Is Very Faint Even at Maximum Volume (CVSD Failure), Really Loud buzzing sound for a second or two, Flipper locks on or fails to fall to resting position, Fodder (may be useful to complete this section), Repair Logs and Game Specific Problems and Fixes, World Cup Soccer locks on Right Sling and both Left and Right Kickout Holes at Power On, S2 Sound ROM Failure on WPC-95 After a Successful Boot, by simply populating the missing components, "Diode Tie Back Missing Causes 8-Driver Board Transistor to Fail" section on the Star Trek: The Next Generation page, How Coils, Flashers, and Motors are Turned On,, troubleshoot the issue like any other controlled lamp, There must be a clock at Pin 1. In WPC boards, this electrolyte drips onto the switch matrix circuits. Diode D1, a 1N5817, is used to keep the battery pack from powering the entire MPU board when the games's power is turned off. At Parabo, we love a good gallery wall, so we compiled our best tips and tricks to help inspire your next decorating DIY! As with all Williams opto circuits, the transmitters are driven to the very limit, and the series resistors overheat. The crimp contacts are part number 16-02-1125 (WM2554-ND). Common GI Problem Causes (listed by probability/ease of testing and correction). The flipper coil is, after all, the end reason why a flipper becomes engaged. Mad Amusements offers a stainless steel version of a trough sleeve insert. The board has the following major subsystems. When this capacitor is no longer smoothing the rectified AC well enough to produce a clean 5VDC, the voltage may drop below the threshold enforced by the watchdog circuit on the MPU (an MC34064 at U10). The analog output of the A/V board feeds into a TLO84 op-amp (U1) that is configured as a pair of low-pass and high-pass filters; these are used to separate the low-frequency sounds (destined for the cabinet speaker) and the high-frequency sounds (destined for the back box speakers). The CPU can dim the GI by switching on the GI for only parts of the AC waveform. This happens at 1.4mA. This test point will actually measure 70 - 75VDC, which is normal and expected. The "analog" side of the A/V board, specifically the two TL084s and the AD1851 D-to-A converter, all use +5VDC and -5VDC that is regulated by the 78L05 and 79L05 respectively. replace the resistor if there are any signs of trouble. The MPU senses these switches individually, and apart from the switch matrix. The next version of the board, the WPC-95 CPU board, switched to a plastic battery holder that doesn't provide quite as much alkaline corrosion protection to the board. Normally lit. Clip one end of the test jumper to J137 pin 1, the rightmost pin on the connector, Touch the other end of the jumper to J133 pin 1, the rightmost pin on the connector. Below are the two most common methods. If installed, provides an indication of high/low line voltage. The first WPC-95 game. PrusaSlicer is a feature-rich, frequently updated tool that contains everything you need to export the perfect print files for your Original Prusa 3D printer. This version of the parts catalog included 4 pinball titles and 2 shuffle alley titles. Note: WPC and WPC-S games label the MPU and Power/Driver board LEDs as "Dxx". Test failure may be due to the I/O buffers on either the MPU or the DMD controller, the ribbon cable, or the actual RAM. When using the PSU5 be sure to replace the KEPS nuts (nuts with captive lock washers) originally used to mount the LM323K with discrete #6 split lock washers and #6-32 hex nuts; the external tooth lock washer of the KEPS nut can contact one of the surface-mounted components on the PSU5. The varistor will visually appear to be OK. A good hint is how violently the fuse blows. This board is a typical example of a WPC opto board. Yet one more way for the 12VDC regulated power to be lost is shown in the picture at left. The message shown at left occurs sometimes when the game software seems to want the "country code" jumpers to be configured in a certain way. The Addams Family uses Q20 for the "Swamp Release" coil, Q22 for the "Bookcase Motor", Q24 for the "Thing Eject Hole", and Q26 for the "Thing Motor", all requiring a tieback diode. You may be able to repeatedly actuate the switch with your finger and get it to work for a game session, but when you return to the game later, the switch will have failed again. The green (plus tracer) colored wire (column) always attaches to a lug by itself. This LED isn't very useful as it will flicker as power consumption by the game fluctuates. This means that it can switch both positive and negative sides of the AC cycle with only a positive signal. The utility can be found here. See the section below that describes cleaning these switches. If not, suspect the trace between D2 and the 7812 or a fractured solder joint at the 7812. J122/J124, pin 1 Connected to Board Ground, WPC 7 Opto Board (A-14977, A-15576, A-15595), WPC 10 Opto Board (A-15430, A-18159, A-20246), Attack from Mars "Strobe" Board (A-20669), Corvette/Road Show Dual H-Drive Motor Control Board (A-19159/A-19242-1), Double Flipper Opto Switch Board (A-15894), TAF & TAFG Extra Flipper Power Supply (A-15416), The Shadow Five Switch and Diode P.C.B. As can be seen, it differs in pinout (at the very least) from the more ubiquitous 10-Opto board above. The pages of this catalog were printed on pink paper. The FL-20867 flipper coil (white wrapper) was used only on Safecracker. Replacement RAM ICs for the DCS sound board are becoming harder to find. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, die erforderlich sind, um Ihnen Einkäufe zu ermöglichen, Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern und unsere Dienste bereitzustellen. If there is no clock then follow the line in the schematic to U20. Standard alkaline corrosion cleanup takes care of this issue. Let's start by determining if the problem is "off board", i.e. Fouled or broken "normally closed" EOS switch, Fouled / dirty or non-functioning flipper opto switches, Upper flipper switch closures in switch test, when there aren't any upper flippers on game. This "parts catalog supplement" packet with blue-colored pages added and replaced pages for the earlier version of the parts catalog. An example is the Star Trek: The Next Generation cannon switches. Note that sometimes C2 is installed on this board and sometimes it is not. Unless you connect one end of the wire to high voltage, nothing can be damaged. Another very effective way to blow C11 is to connect the flash lamp power connector at J106 to high power coil grounding circuits at J132. AC voltage is rectified by D7-D10 and smoothed by C9. Or, the auto launcher in "Twilight Zone" may seem to want to launch a ball when none is present. Note that this is not a power problem like a "game reset", below. Advice: Without the experience, tools, and technique to accomplish this task, most hobbyists would be well advised to send the board to a pro for rehab. If the opto is good, measuring either solder joint of the opto should read about 12VDC as long as the game is turned on. Service Bulletin #102 (12/97): Cirqus Voltaire; Installation instructions for Upgrade Kit #A-22270. The three speakers are connected in series, each of them attempting to accentuate different bands of the audio spectrum. As shown in the table above, if DMD controller power is not connected to the display, the nominal 12VDC offset will be about 20VDC. Some percentage of LM323Ks will fall into the lower range of that spec, which is at, or just above the trip point voltage of the MC34064 voltage watchdog on the MPU board. Measure the signal at the appropriate pin (see table) of U15. It just follows the voltage set at the top of zener diode D2. Power may be tested across the circuit, as follows. With the batteries located above the ASIC socket, there is a substantial probability that severe damage could occur from leaky batteries. Later versions of the WPC-95 driver board replaced these 6A2 diodes with zero ohm jumpers. There is no pin 3 as it is the key. The data bus runs completely across the power/driver board, stopping in at several 74LS374s (U1 thru U5) along the way. Magic: The Gathering Shop in der Schweiz - Booster Displays, Karten trading, Sammelkartenspiel und viel Zubehör. Take special care when replacing a bridge rectifier. If your game's audio is just a bit scratchy, and these caps have not been removed, you may be able to improve audio quality by removing them. The serial number is displayed at startup, and allowed the manufacturer to identify the dealer who sold a machine into a particular region. The pages of this catalog were printed on white paper. The corrosion caused the circuit to sense that both of the cabinet flipper buttons had been pressed when only one had been pressed. The thermistor is (generally) a black or grey disk, about the size of a dime. The coin door interface board also creates the "always closed" switch 24 by bridging column 2 and row 4 with a diode. not on your power/driver board, or "on board". A mysterious vortex, dropped the rowdy Rabbids into the once-peaceful land. This switch interrupts power to both the 20VDC and 50VDC circuits when the coin door is opened, providing a measure of safety against higher voltage shocks. The other failure point on this board is the MOC 3031 otpoisolator. More information about bench testing FlipTronics board is available here. This clip point is the output of the bridge rectifier, and is connected to the smoothing (filter) capacitor and LM323K regulator input. Clip the black lead of your DMM to any game ground, like the lockdown bar or ground braid. The thermistor's job is to limit current inrush into the capacitors when the game is first powered on. Solder both the top and bottom solder pads of the bridge.
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